Tuesday 24 August 2010

Doing my bit.

One of the big themes of this government, and one I particularly support is the 'Big Soceity'. Everyone, where ever possible doing their bit to make our society stronger. It might be helping out at a youth football club, lending a hand at the village hall, or maybe even just checking on elderly neighbours.

During my time as an MP I have spoken to hundreds of volunteers and members of the public across the constituency about the extra work they do make their communities, and society as a whole, a better place.

I'm always impressed by their efforts and delighted to lend my support to their activities and often urge anyone who has any spare time and wants to make a difference to volunteer.

But as they say in Allendale - talk is cheap.

So recently I took myself down to my local Save the Children Charity Shop in Hexham, rolled up my sleeves and spent the Saturday afternoon working in the shop. I got the chance not only to talk to the volunteers about their experiences but also experience it for myself. I learned a lot and I'm going to try and make it a regular thing.

If your interested in getting involved in volunteering get in touch at hexham@tory.org and I'm sure I can help point you in the right direction.